Our Bible study and prayer group have the privilege of supporting missionaries serving the Lord in various parts of the world. In Africa we pray for Paul and Hilary Gunning and family in Namibia and Bill and Margaret Dunlop in Uganda. Paul and Hilary Gunning

Paul and Hilary Gunning along with their family are serving the Lord in Windhoek Namibia in Africa. Paul teaches at Namibia Evangelical Theological Seminary and Hilary teaches at a local school whenever she gets the opportunity. They recently paid us a visit (4th December 2014) and we had a lovely evening enjoying a meal and sharing how the Lord is working in their lives. Paul and Hilary’s eldest son Peter is living in Inverness and studying at the Highland Theological Seminary. Caitlin who is 17 is away from home studying in South Africa and Calum and Ella are at school in Namibia. They are a very close family and these changes and the problems they have in obtaining work visas are very much in our prayers.
Bill and Margaret Dunlop Bill and Margaret Dunlop are now back home in Scotland and living meantime in Glasgow. We continue to lift them both up in prayer as they make important decisions regarding their future. We look forward to meeting them again soon when they visit our church.
Myrto Theocharous We had the opportunity to meet Myrto in August 2012 when she came to stay in Peterhead for a week as a guest with Abi and Elisee and family. Myrto is professor of the Old Testament at Greek Bible College in Athens, Greece. Myrto writes “I am committed to the studying and teaching of the Old Testament and related topics as well as individual mentoring, for the purpose of preparing and equipping students from various protestant denominations for various ministries to their respective churches and a powerful theological-driven impact in their social context.” Myrto also works in outreach ministry to women trapped in trafficking and prostitution and we were particularly interested in her work with these women who often can see no way out of there miserable existence and are often forgotten about. We feel privileged to support her in a small way both financially and prayerfully and we hope to keep close contact with her and all that she is doing in Jesus’ name.
Bryson and May Arthur
Bryson and May are both now serving the Lord at Dumisani College, King William’s Town, South Africa. Bryson says the following in his latest newsletter:- I has been recruited by the college to write and expedite what is termed “A policy for performance management of the Pastors”. This throws me right in the centre of the Church’s organisational structures which is very good for the College as it involves setting up and helping run a Training Committee for the Church. This will mean more students for Dumisani as well as enchanting the pastor’s skills both in the pulpit and pastorally. Bryson has asked that we pray for this project.